Post-Pregnancy Eczema
Post-Pregnancy Eczema
Congratulations! After nine months of bodily changes and pregnancy hormones, you now have a bouncing bundle of joy! And a big flare-up of eczema. Why Now?
The major changes that happen to your body after giving birth include an imbalance of hormones. Additionally the physical stress of giving birth and the mental strain of getting used to a newborn baby and sleepless nights can contribute to annoying and unexpected symptoms like an eczema flare-up.
Here are some factors that can play into why you suddenly experience eczema:
1) Immune System Changes
When you’re pregnant, your immune system generally becomes weaker so your body will not reject the fetus as a foreign body. Once the baby is born, your immune system starts to recover and can occasionally overreact. This can cause inflammation in the body, and on the skin, leading to an eczema flare-up. Thankfully, your immune system will settle down as your body recovers from the previous nine months.
2) Hormonal Changes
After pregnancy, your body is trying to figure out your correct hormonal balance again. These changes can sap your skin of lipids that are needed to prevent dryness. As a result, your skin can become dry, itchy, and flakey. Like changes to your immune system, this issue tends to resolve itself as your body heals.
3) Stress
This one technically has nothing to do with recovering from post-pregnancy and everything to do with new parenthood. Stress is a well-known cause of eczema, and there are few things in life more stressful than being a new parent. Sleep deprivation has a way of heightening your anxiety level. Like the previous two examples, this eczema trigger will eventually resolve itself, usually in seventeen to eighteen years.
4) New Allergies
One of the things that they don’t tell you about being pregnant is that you can actually develop new allergies. They sometimes resolve themselves after the child is born, but not always. It might be that you develop an eczema trigger while pregnant. Try to figure out what the trigger could be. If necessary, a trip to the doctor for an allergy test or an elimination diet might be in order.
Post-pregnancy eczema can be incredibly frustrating to deal with at a time when you’re already feeling overwhelmed. Thankfully, the condition can correct itself over time, though this isn’t guaranteed. Keep your skin well moisturized, try to find any possible eczema triggers, and keep as well-rested and stress-free as is possible. Moisturizers like Vanicream ointment work well to lock in moisture and are free of parabens.
This information is not meant to replace a visit to a physician or a physician’s advice. Always consult your doctor about your medical conditions. AD RescueWear does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment of any condition.